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Kansas Wesleyan University

KWU’s Historical Timeline

KWU Historical Tour Videos

1885: The Northwest Kansas Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church’s (a predecessor of the United Methodist Church) raised $3,500 to fund a new college. Several Kansas cities submitted bids to host the new college, 但特区政府接受了萨利纳15英亩土地和26美元的出价,000 towards the first building, 简称为行政大楼.

1886 | Sept. 15: The Administration Building opened its doors to the first class of 2 (a senior and a freshman) college students, 61 preparatory class students, and 11 faculty members. 学费和杂费是每学期13美元.

1887: Henry M. 梅奥成为堪萨斯卫斯理学院的第一位毕业生.

“It is the strength acquired by meeting the obstacles and overcoming them that makes us better and stronger men and women. It is the victory over those obstacles that gives us the courage for life’s best work.”

—Rev. H.M. Mayo, 1887 Graduation Speech

1890: Two student publications, 卫斯理人的长矛和堪萨斯卫斯理人的拥护者, 合并形成卫斯理进步军.

1891: C. W. Burch becomes the first graduate to complete all his work at Kansas Wesleyan. He went on to earn a legal degree and established one of the first Kansas law firms:  Burch, Litowich, and Royce.

1904千亿国际登录开设了第一个学生宿舍, Schuyler Hall, 以一位深受爱戴的大学创始人的名字命名, Dr. Aaron Schuyler.

1908:中大第二座学术设施开始动工, Carnegie Science Hall. 科学大厅里有教室, laboratories, a museum, a telescope, and the university library.

1909当前位置大学卫理公会教堂(被称为The 联合卫理公会大学)的组织是为了服务大学和南萨利纳, with services held in the KWU Administration Building until 1917 when the current church building was constructed adjacent to the campus.

1911: Glenn Martin (1908) flew his self-built plane over southern Salina, near campus. Martin attended Kansas Wesleyan Business College but later moved to California, establishing several aircraft and aerospace companies.

1916: King Gymnasium, Kansas Wesleyan’s first permanent athletic facility, opens. Named for Dean Albert King, a KWU professor, administrator, and supporter, the gym contained a swimming pool, basketball court, lockers, and other facilities. 为体育馆增光添彩的那座钟的脸, 是在1987年体育馆被大火烧毁后被抢救出来的吗. The clock face is preserved in the Advancement Office in the Hall of the Pioneers.

1918: Kansas Wesleyan contributes to the First World War by conducting the “Student Army Training Corps.”

1921: The Administration Building is moved to a new campus location to make room for a new administration building, the Hall of the Pioneers (Pioneer Hall).

1922: Excavation begins on Pioneer Hall, but it is two more years before the cornerstone is laid. The building is not completed until 1930 although it is used in part starting in 1926.

1928: The Grafton-Club mural “The Coming of the Pioneers” in Sams Chapel is dedicated.

1928: The KCAC is formed with KWU, Bethany College, Ottawa University, Baker University, McPherson College, and the University of St. Mary’s.

1928: Ruple Perkins of Athens, OH, a running back for the Coyotes, becomes the first African-American to play college football in Kansas. Despite discrimination by teams that refused to take the field with him, he earned All-KCAC First Team honors his freshman and sophomore years.

1930: Kansas Wesleyan University’s tuition, room and board total $400 a year.

1936: Marking its 50th anniversary, KWU has grown to 24 faculty members and a student body of 450.

1940: Glenn Martin Stadium is built with Works Progress Administration (WPA) labor, including KWU students. 足球队赢得了KCAC锦标赛.

“I studied Business Administration and played football for three years. We played the whole 60 minutes. The entire team was 20 players. 我们在1940年赢得了学校的第一个KCAC冠军. I also helped build Martin Stadium as a Works Project Administration project and got paid 25 cents an hour. 那时学校里只有三个学生有车.”—Bill Keeler ’44


1948: Memorial Library is built and dedicated to the 24 students who died in World War II. Students help transport the books from Carnegie Science Hall to the new building using stretchers.

1956: KWU earns accreditation through the North Central Association, 现称为高等教育委员会(HLC). 该大学今天继续进行这一认证.

女子宿舍菲佛楼(Pfeiffer Hall)实行宵禁. Miss Jean Bradley, the Housemother, stood inside the front door … and she locked it exactly at 10:30 p.m. or midnight! If you were to approach Pfeiffer Hall’s front door around 10:20 p.m. on weeknights—or 11:50 p.m. on Saturday—you would see a bevy of couples within 20 or 30 yards of the front entryway. Obviously, they would be shaking hands and bidding each other ‘Good Night.’”—Bob Pinkall ’58

1968入学人数达到创纪录的800人. Many male students are shuttled to campus from rented barracks at the former Schilling Air Base because the campus residence halls are full.

1968: Women’s athletics begins with the formation of the Association of Kansas Women’s Intercollegiate Sports.

1969: A men’s dorm is opened. It was called “New Men’s Dorm” until the mid-1990s, when it was renamed Wesley Hall.

1978: KWU Kansas Delta chapter of Alpha Chi honor society is chartered.

1979: Muir Gymnasium is built.

“I remember the games, the lectures, the connection to the University Church and many more things that made Kansas Wesleyan feel like home. My most embarrassing moment was when I blew up a microscope in Dr. Neuberger’s microbiology class. 1977年,我以B的成绩毕业.S., simultaneously with my R.N. 毕业于阿斯伯里医院护理学院.”

—Jerri Phillips ’77, ’92, ’07

1986: The KWU Athletics Hall of Fame is launched with 100 inductees to celebrate KWU’s 100th anniversary.

1988: KWU acquires the Asbury nursing program, located at Asbury-Salina Regional Medical Center. 1994年,该项目搬到了校园.

“1980年我刚到千亿国际登录的时候, 我是一个来自纽瓦克市中心的孩子, NJ, 来自单亲家庭的. 我是家里第一个上大学的人. I remember Homecoming, Lilac Fete, the Christmas concerts and dinner at a professor’s house for those who couldn’t go home for Thanksgiving. I learned not only how to live alone but also how to live a life at Wesleyan.”—John Brooks ’84

1994: MBA program is launched; fiber optic cable is run to most of the buildings on campus.

“参加唱诗班是我在中大最大的快乐, 唱诗班巡演是我最喜欢的经历之一. The musical performances were fun, but the bus trip and traveling with my friends was the best.——阿曼达(蒙哥马利)古铁雷斯,1992年

2006第一个Project HERO(帮助每个人)日, the brainchild of two seniors, 是由学生活动委员会组织的吗, and continues annually giving KWU students an opportunity to give back to the local community through community service projects.

2008: The Student Activities Center 开放并包括Hauptli学生中心, Brown Mezzanine, Mabee Arena, Muir Gymnasium, The Den and Yotee’s Bookstore.

2010: Communication students launch the first Internet radio broadcast of KKWU.

2011: The Albert Nelson Student Success Center opens in Memorial Library.

2014: Demolition begins on Glenn Martin Stadium to make way for the Graves Family Sports Complex.


2015: $1.2 million of technology upgrades expand Wi-Fi and fund the installation of new fiber cable in every campus building.

2015:格雷夫斯家庭体育综合体育场于10月开放. 3 to a then-record crowd of 2,011; legendary coach Gene Bissell helped cut the ribbon as the new Gene Bissell Field was dedicated.


2016: Three fully online degrees are launched: Bachelor’s degrees in Criminal Justice and Emergency Management and a Master’s degree in Business Administration.

January 2021: The $5 million Nursing Education Center opens.

KWU Traditions

O’Wesleyan, Alma Mater

Oh Wesleyan, dear Wesleyan!
To those college days of long ago.

The picnic on the Smoky’s banks,

Of harvest time to us shall come;

For the Wesleyan, dear Wesleyan.

Presidential Mace

The Presidential Mace was created by Lindsborg artist, David Anderson. It is a symbol of the legal and chartered authority of the President, 受托人已授予其权力. The Mace is ceremonial and represents an honor for a distinguished member of the faculty to carry it at University functions. It is on display in the president’s office when not being used for formal ceremonies at Kansas Wesleyan University.

KWU Fight Song



Let’s give a big “O-KAY!” for Wesleyan,


We’re gonna Fight! Fight! Fight!

You can really rely,

Fight! Fight! Fight! On to V-I-C-T-O-R-Y.


We’re gonna win a victory!

Bolen Coyote

When Salinan Pat Bolen left the Kansas Wesleyan University Foundation Board in the summer of 2010 after many years of service, 他决定留下一个永久的象征来纪念他的父亲, Dan.

On Monday, October 10, 2010, Kansas Wesleyan dedicated a bronze coyote in memory of Dan Bolen. the location, south of the Memorial Library, will be known as “Coyote Corner”. 

丹·博伦于1920年至1922年就读于广州大学. Although he later transferred to the University of Kansas, Dan’s support of KWU continued. Over the years, Pat and Dan Bolen would attend numerous Coyote football games, and Pat would even sneak into King Gymnasium to play pick-up games of basketball.

帕特·博伦从未上过千亿国际登录, but through his father’s example, 他一如既往地支持和服务本校.

The dedication of the bronze Bolen Coyote sculpture was part of many of the 125th Celebration activities.

Anyone who passes by the Coyote is said to receive good luck if they rub his nose.

Historic Campus Buildings

  • Lockwood Hall(1886—1959)

The first building on campus, Lockwood Hall, was completed on September 15, 1886 allowing Kansas Wesleyan to open its doors for the first time. 萨利纳市捐赠了15英亩土地和26美元,000 while the rest of the money for the project was secured through donations. 最初的三层结构包含教室, laboratories, a chapel, a museum, 一个文学社团大厅和校长室. In 1921, 这座大楼搬迁花费了40美元,为了给新的行政大楼腾出地方. On June 6, 1922 a service of dedication was held in memory of Rev. J.H. Lockwood, 大学的创始人和第一届董事会成员, 大楼以他的名字重新命名. The building was used for Liberal Arts until construction was completed for Pioneer Hall. Lockwood Hall then housed the Division of Music and Art until it was demolished in 1959.

  • KW Business College (1892—1935)
  • Schuyler Hall (1904—1966)

In 1904 construction began on a women’s residence hall estimated to cost around $12,000. Every aspect of the project, including labor and materials, was associated with a donor. In September of 2004, students began to move in to the building even though only two of the four floors were completed. At its completion, 斯凯勒楼有50间宽敞的学生宿舍, a dining room with accommodation for 200 and reception and library rooms. The total cost of the project, including surrounding infrastructure, totaled $17,000. 这座新的女子宿舍是为纪念史密斯博士而建造的. 亚伦·斯凯勒是该校第二任校长. 这个餐厅是为纪念史密斯先生而修建的. F.D. Kimble, a generous donor.

  • 卡内基科学馆(1908 - 1979)

The construction of this much needed science hall was made possible by the conditional gift of Mr. 捐赠给安德鲁·卡内基两万五千美元. He stipulated that an equal amount must be raised by Kansas Wesleyan and all outstanding deficits were to be cleared. 基石于1908年11月15日奠基. The three story brick structure was surmounted by an observatory dome that housed a 12 inch reflecting telescope. The first and second floors of the building contained four large recitation rooms, 实验室、仪器室和教师办公室. The third floor was temporarily revised for the university’s library and museum. 这座建筑一直屹立到1979年.

  • King Gymnasium (1916—1987)

A ground breaking ceremony was held on October 15, 1914 for the new gym on campus. The construction was made possible largely due to the efforts of Dean King and a group of his professional associates. The group was able to secure $14,000 in cash and pledges for the project. After numerous delays the cornerstone was laid on October 2, 1915. 这座建筑于1916年完工,并献给了马丁·路德·金. 这座建筑物的估计价值是35美元,000 without equipment and was considered by many to be among the finest athletics structures in the state of Kansas at the time. 这座建筑一直屹立到1987年, when it was razed due to structural damage stemming from a fire in 1979.

  • 罗奇总统官邸(1909-1966)
  • Pioneer Hall & Sams Chapel (1922—present)

新行政大楼的施工, 正式名称为先驱者大厅, began in 1921 after the original administration building was moved to the southwest corner of campus. Much of the framework for the new building was completed by 1923. On March 29, 1924, the cornerstone laying ceremony took place with the deposit of a time capsule. Members of the community grew frustrated by the lengthy construction project, so a campaign was launched by local professionals with the goal of raising $50,000. 感谢E.C. 山姆是J.C. Penney公司在1925年筹集了5万美元. 1926年5月30日,为了纪念E.C. Sams’ parents. 该项目于1929年底完成, allowing for spring classes to take place in the building during 1930. The dedication and celebration of the completed Hall of the Pioneers, for all of the pioneers who gave their time and funds to maintain the university, took place on September 14, 1930.

  • JW Bean许愿井纪念馆(1928年至今)
  • Glenn Martin Stadium(1940—2014)

Glenn L. Martin Stadium served as the home field for Kansas Wesleyan University from its official name dedication in 1940 to its demolition in early 2014 to make way for the new Sports Complex. The old stadium was one of many Works Projects Administration (WPA) projects in Kansas.

Martin Stadium was under lights with night games starting in 1983 and ending in October 2006. The stadium and well-used field were also to Sacred Heart High School Football beginning in 1978 and continuing through fall 2013.


Glenn Martin 1940 Advance Story


  • Memorial Library(1947—present)

Prior to 1948, the Kansas Wesleyan library was housed in Carnegie Hall. 纪念图书馆于1948年奠基, and the building was dedicated to all Kansas Wesleyan students and families that lost their lives during World War II. Today, the library is home to over 60,000 book volumes, over 9,500 journals and magazines, hundreds of DVDs and tens of thousands of electronic books and magazines.

  • Pfeiffer Hall (1951—present)
  • 萨姆斯美术馆(1952年至今)
  • 南厅公寓(1957年至今)
  • 北厅公寓(1958年至今)
  • Highland House (1966—present)
  • Greek Hall (1966—1969)
  • Independence Hall (1966—1969)
  • 弗雷德里克·康拉德·彼得斯科学馆(1969年至今)
  • Fieldhouse (1969—2013)
  • Wesley Hall (1969—present)
  • Muir Gymnasium (1979—present)
  • 豪普特利学生活动中心(2006 -至今)
  • Mabee Arena (2006—present)